
What Are Bank Tellers Trained To Do In a Robbery?

25 May, 2023

Bank tellers handle large amounts of cash and are probably among the most vulnerable employees in the banking industry. Bank tellers must undergo extensive training to ensure that they are adequately prepared for any robbery situation.


Recognising and Preventing Robbery

Bank tellers are trained to identify suspicious behaviour and potential robbery situations. They are taught how to defuse potentially volatile situations by staying calm and avoiding confrontation wherever possible to keep customers and their co-workers safe.


Reacting to a Robbery

While bank robberies are rare, bank tellers are trained to react appropriately. This includes remaining calm, following the robber’s instructions, and complying with their demands. Bank tellers are taught that the safety of themselves, the customers, and their colleagues is the top priority during a robbery.

When possible, bank tellers can trigger silent alarms or panic buttons under the counter to alert authorities, increasing the chances of catching the perpetrator and recovering stolen money. They may also insert explosive red dye packs into the robber’s loot.

Many banks have implemented fast-rising security screens to provide an additional barrier between staff and potential robbers or have permanent security screens in place to provide protection.

In general, the goal is to get the bank robber to leave as quickly as possible to prevent the situation from escalating. Bank tellers are instructed to comply with instructions and not to attack or confront the robber in any way.

Bank tellers are also taught to make eye contact if possible in order to study the robber’s appearance and provide a detailed description to the police.

After a Robbery

After a robbery, bank tellers are trained to follow specific safety protocols, including locking down the branch, evacuating employees and customers, and providing a detailed account of the robbery to the authorities. Bank tellers are also trained to seek emotional support if needed, as being involved in a robbery can be a traumatic experience.


The Importance of Training

Training helps bank tellers stay calm and focused during a robbery, minimising the risk of physical harm to the bank employees and customers. When bank tellers are prepared for a robbery, they are generally calmer, which can go a long way toward reducing unnecessary panic and confusion.

Bank Teller Training Summised

The goal of training bank tellers is to empower staff with the knowledge and skills they need to remain calm and stay safe – not to prevent bank robberies. Ensuring that staff feel secure and protected, even during an active robbery, can go a long way towards de-escalating the situation and preventing harm to employees and customers.

Security screens and entrance control systems can provide bank tellers with a sense of security and protection, which is why Safetell has worked with leading banks across the UK for more than 30 years.

If you would like to know more about implementing security screens in your bank, get in touch with Safetell. We’ll gladly provide you with a solution that meets your needs.