
How To Improve Security In the Workplace

25 May, 2023

A well-secured workplace has several benefits for employers, including increased productivity, employee loyalty and reduced turnover rate. There are other cost savings and business benefits to consider as well, including fewer insurance claims, protection of the organisation’s image, and increased chances of getting clients. Employers should perform regular safety audits and checks to ensure that their business is as safe as possible.

Threats Modern Workplaces Face

Businesses, especially businesses that handle cash or sensitive information, or deal with large volumes of visitors from the public, are at far greater risk of physical violence and theft.

Some of the threats they may face include:

  • Terrorist threats can cause damage to property, business disruption, and physical as well as psychological damage to staff. This is particularly relevant for businesses operating in large cities, such as London or Manchester, or government buildings across the UK.
  • Workplace violence, including physical assault, harassment, and intimidation, can come from any number of external sources.
  • Theft and vandalism can cause damage or the loss of equipment and inventory, while the theft of intellectual property and customer information can have wide-reaching consequences, including a negative impact on the company’s reputation.

Improving Workplace Security: Tips and Strategies

Adequate workplace security provides a safe working environment for employees, which boosts their morale and helps them to focus on their work. It also reduces the likelihood of insurance claims and saves costs associated with repairing damages.

In order to improve workplace security, a risk assessment needs to be carried out in different sectors of the workplace, including boundary security, building security, crime deterrents, entrance control, compliance, and responsibilities. Once the areas lacking in security have been identified, steps can be taken to improve workplace security.

Improving Boundary and Building Security

Boundary and building security can be improved with perimeter fencing, hostile vehicle mitigation, CCTV cameras, and alarms. This can be further enhanced by putting up signs to advertise the fact that the building is secure and being monitored, acting as a deterrent to potential criminals.

Fortunately, companies like Safetell provide security screens protecting staff in customer-facing service positions – these screens come in a range of security resistance levels and can be made in different sizes and finished, bespoke to customer requirements. Safetell also provides a range of attractive entrance control and anti-tailgating solutions available in a number of different finishes to ensure that your building is secured.

Improving Entrance Control

Entrance control can be improved by employing the use of security guards who can verify the credentials and authorisation of staff members, using protected and secured entrances like doors, speed gates,  security portals, and revolving doors. It’s important that the security screens and entrance controls do not prevent staff from carrying out their regular duties or prevent them from interacting with customers or visitors.

Implementing a Security Plan

A security plan is a document that outlines the organisation’s security measures and strategies. The plan should also be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changes in the organisation’s operations.

Regular security audits should be carried out to assess the effectiveness of the organisation’s security measures. These audits can be conducted by an independent security consultant who can offer recommendations for improvements.

If you would like to take steps to improve security at your workplace, speak to Safetell. We can conduct a comprehensive assessment of your premises and make recommendations for a tailored solution that can enhance the safety of your employees and assets.