
How Do You Maintain Safety And Security In The Workplace?

25 May, 2023

Any business that deals with large amounts of money every day must be cognisant of efficiencies and security to prevent losses that can impact long-term revenue. Establishing a clear and efficient handling procedure can go a long way towards protecting your cash and your staff.

Establish Clear Guidelines

The first step in creating a handling procedure is to establish clear guidelines for cash handling, including determining how cash should be counted, how to handle cash discrepancies, and what to do in case of a cash shortage or overage. Cashiers must be trained in proper cash handling techniques, such as how to count cash accurately and how to identify counterfeit currency.


Separate Cash Handling Duties

Different employees should handle different aspects of cash handling, such as counting cash, preparing deposits, and reconciling cash drawers. Separating cash handling duties helps to reduce the risk of fraud and errors by ensuring that no one person has complete control over the cash handling process.

Implement Cash Handling Tools

The physical environment can have a significant impact on cash handling procedures, including the installation of cash counters, security screens, counterfeit detectors, cash offices, transfer units, and security bags for cash deposits. Cash counters help to reduce the time and effort required to count cash accurately, while counterfeit detectors can help to identify fake currency.


Benefits of Security Screens In Cash Handling

Cash handling exposes businesses to the risk of theft or robbery. Implementing security screens with cash scoops or transfer gaps for easy cash handling can reduce the risk of physical violence and theft. Pass-through windows allow cashiers to easily transfer cash and receipts without opening the screen, keeping staff safe during a potentially dangerous robbery.

Cash scoops and transfer gaps allow cashiers to easily transfer cash and receipts without having to move around the counter, reducing the risk of cash being dropped or lost. This, in turn, reduces the risk of errors and discrepancies in the cash handling process. By providing a physical barrier between cashiers and customers, security screens reduce the risk of physical contact and assault. This, in turn, reduces the risk of injury or harm to cashiers, improving overall employee safety.

The security screens should be customised to suit the aesthetics of the environment and the nature of the business so that operations can continue without disruption.



Creating a cash-handling procedure involves establishing clear guidelines, separating cash-handling duties, and implementing cash-handling tools. Installing protective barriers that do not interfere with normal business operations can protect staff from harm and create a sense of calm and safety, even in the event of a robbery.

Safetell has worked with more corporate sectors within the  UK, including banks, retail,  and public sector organisations that handle large amounts of cash on a regular basis, providing custom solutions that meet their needs perfectly.