bullet holes in glass

FB1 Classification

Weapon Types: Rifle
Calibre: 0.22LR
Munitions: Lead Bullet
Mass (g): 2.6
Set distance (m): 10

FB2 Classification

Weapon Types: Hand gun
Calibre: 9mm Luger
Munitions: Soft core (lead) bullet
Mass (g): 8
Set distance (m): 5

FB3 Classification

Weapon Types: Hand gun
Calibre: 0.357 Magnum
Munitions: Soft core (lead) bullet
Mass (g): 10.2
Set distance (m): 5

FB4 Classification

Weapon Types: Hand gun
Calibre: 0.357 Magnum / 0.44 Rem Magnum
Munitions: Soft core (lead) bullet
Mass (g): 10.2 / 15.6
Set distance (m): 5
FB4 – specimen is tested with both calibres

FB5 Classification

Weapon Types: Rifle
Calibre: 5.56 x 45
Munitions: Soft core (lead) with steel penetrator bullet
Mass (g): 4
Set distance (m): 10

FB6 Classification

Weapon Types: Rifle
Calibre: 5.56 x 45 / 7.62 x 51
Munitions: Soft core (lead)
Mass (g): 4.0 / 9.5
Set distance (m): 10
To be classified FB6 the specimen is tested with both calibres listed

FB7 Classification

Weapon Types: Rifle
Calibre: 7.62 x 51
Munitions: Hard steel core
Mass (g): 9.8
Set distance (m): 10

FB8 Classification

Weapon Types: Shotgun
Calibre: 12/70
Munitions: Solid lead slug
Mass (g): 31
Set distance (m): 10

BR1 Classification

Weapon Types: Rifle
Calibre: 0.22LR
Munitions: Lead Bullet
Mass (g): 2.6
Set distance (m): 10
No. of Impacts: 3

BR2 Classification

Weapon Types: Hand gun
Calibre: 9mm Luger
Munitions: Soft core (lead) bullet
Mass (g): 8
Set distance (m): 5
No. of Impacts: 3

BR3 Classification

Weapon Types: Hand gun
Calibre: 0.357 Magnum
Munitions: Soft core (lead) bullet
Mass (g): 10.2
Set distance (m): 5
No. of Impacts: 3

BR4 Classification

Weapon Types: Hand gun
Calibre: 0.44 Rem Magnum
Munitions: Soft core (lead) bullet
Mass (g): 15.6
Set distance (m): 5
No. of Impacts: 3

BR5 Classification

Weapon Types: Rifle
Calibre: 5.56 x 45
Munitions: Soft core (lead) bullet with steel penetrator
Mass (g): 4.0
Set distance (m): 10
No. of Impacts: 3

BR6 Classification

Weapon Types: Rifle
Calibre: 7.62 x 51
Munitions: Soft core (lead) bullet
Mass (g): 9.5
Set distance (m): 10
No. of Impacts: 3

BR7 Classification

Weapon Types: Rifle
Calibre: 7.62 x 51
Munitions: Hard steel core
Mass (g): 9.8
Set distance (m): 10
No. of Impacts: 3

SG1/SG2 Classification

Weapon Types: Shotgun
Calibre: Cal. 12/70
Munitions: Solid Slug Shotgun
Mass (g): 31
Set distance (m): 10
SG1 – No. of Impacts: 1
SG2 – No. of Impacts: 3