Petrol Forecourt

Back To Business In 10 Days

petrol station

A national petrol forecourt retailer approached Safetell after their shop front was rammed, causing significant damage and forcing them to close. The challenge was to refit the shop-front to withstand attack in a very tight timeframe, enabling them to continue trading.


The PFS had two main priorities: getting the business up and running as soon as possible and ensuring the safety of staff and customers. The shop front needed to be reinforced to withstand potential future attacks, and the work had to be completed within a very tight timeframe to avoid any further significant financial losses to PFS.


Safetell had previously built a relationship with the known PFS retailer by enhancing their petrol forecourt doors to withstand attack and delay entrance to several of their sites, so they approached them with confidence that they would be able to provide a quick and effective solution.

Within two days of the incident, Safetell conducted a site survey to assess the damage and security requirements. They were then able to manufacture and install the enhanced shop-front with additional security specifications in the following eight days.

A reinforced shop front was installed with additional security specifications to prevent future attacks, providing easy access for staff and customers while ensuring maximum security.


The outcome was a successful solution that allowed the PFS to continue trading while ensuring the safety of staff and customers. The reinforced shop front with additional security specifications provided a high level of protection against future attacks, giving staff and customers peace of mind.

The work was completed within a very tight timeframe, allowing the retailer to minimise financial losses and continue trading. Contact Safetell if you require any security solutions for your premesis!

At a glance

  • Industry

    Retail - Forecourt

  • Location


  • Products/Services

    Reinforced Storefront